General Terms and Conditions
“Armenian Helicopters“ LLC (hereinafter Armheli) enters into an agreement with passengers of an airline or charter flight (hereinafter - Passenger). To this end, Armheli is committed to providing Passengers with a helicopter for air transportation.
By these Terms and Conditions, Armheli is obligated to transport the Passenger by helicopter to the designated place, in case the Passenger handles his baggage, to bring the baggage to the designated place. And the Passenger undertakes to pay the established fee for the flight.
At the time of flight, the helicopter is in good condition, fully charged and ready for flight.
If the helicopter provided for in the contract is not ready to carry out the established transportation, Armheli undertakes the replacement of the helicopter, with possibly proportionate parameters.
3.Contract Price and Payment Procedure
Payment under the contract may be made by cash or bank transfer of the amount. The moment of payment is the moment the Armheli amount is actually provided, and in the case of a bank transfer, the moment the amount is credited to the Armheli bank account.
The payment provided for in the Contract shall be made in advance in the manner provided for by the Contract.
The amount of the charter flight shall be set only for the flight and does not include payments collected by airports, both for take-off and landing, and for other services provided. Customs and other government payments also shall not be included in the contract price. These amounts shall be paid by the Passenger.
In the case of a flight in the direction specified by the Passenger, at the end of the flight, the transportation fee shall be recalculated, taking as a basis the actual duration of the flight and the waiting time. If, as a result of the recalculation, the amount paid as a transportation fee will be more than the actual cost of the flight, the additional amount paid will be returned to the Passenger, and if it is less, the smaller amount shall be paid by the Passenger. The payment / refund of the amount as a result of the recalculation shall be carried out within a maximum of 3 (three) business days after the recalculation.
4.Flight Cancellation
The Parties may terminate the Contract by informing the other party in advance. If the customer refuses the agreed charter flight, Armheli will refund the amount paid, excluding the amount of expenses already incurred.
However, depending on the period of informing Armheli about the cancellation of the flight by the Passenger, Armheli will refund the amount paid at the following rates․
In case of informing no earlier than 72 hours, Armheli receives the right to recover an amount of 50% of the flight price.
In case of informing no earlier than 48 hours before the flight, Armheli gains the right to charge an amount of 75% of the flight price
In case of informing no earlier than 24 hours before the flight, as well as in the case when the flight becomes impossible for the reasons for which the Passenger is responsible, Armheli receives the right to fully recover the entire amount of the flight.
To fulfill this Contract, take-off, landing and air transportation rights are required. If at least one of these rights has been denied by the relevant authority or person, Armheli gains the right to cancel or amend the Contract. Armheli is required to inform the Passenger in writing or orally within a reasonable time.
No demand or claim for damages may be brought against Armheli on the part of the Passenger or a third party, unless the relevant right is not obtained due to the failure to present the necessary documents to the relevant authority or person as a result of Armheli's intentional or gross negligence.
In the event of termination of the Contract by Armheli, the latter undertakes to return the entire amount paid. If Armheli rendered part of the services provided for in the Contract, the amount is refunded only in the amount of unproven services.
5.Liability of the Parties
The Parties undertake to fulfill their obligations under the Contract in an appropriate manner and within the time and manner established by the Contract.
Within the framework of the contractual relations provided for by these Terms and Conditions, Armheli undertakes to take the necessary measures aimed at maintaining the health and physical safety of the Passenger in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the internal requirements of the Company, and the Passenger, in turn, undertakes to comply with the safety regulations, which are an integral part of this Terms and Conditions.
Armheli shall not be liable for damage caused in the event of the death of a passenger or personal injury, loss of baggage and in other cases, if the specified damage did not arise as a result of an intentional or reckless violation of Armheli's obligations.
Armheli shall be liable for damage caused without intentionality or negligence in cases and to the extent provided for in Articles 17 and 21 of the Montreal Convention on the Universalization of Certain Rules of International Air Transport.
6.Force Major
Armheli shall not be liable for loss or damage to the Passenger’s baggage and / or third person due to force majeure, damage to life and / or health, for cancellation or delay of flight, as well as for any other damage caused to the Passenger and / or third party.
In these Terms and Conditions, bad weather, arrest, an injunction, military or militaristic acts, terrorist acts, as well as any situation that creates a real danger to the flight and passengers, or its threat, shall also be considered force majeure.
7.Gift Card
Armheli offers its customers the opportunity to purchase a gift card. Gift cards operate on the basis of a public offer established by Armheli, which provides for helicopter sightseeing flights to previously approved destinations.
The validity of a gift card is 6 months, which begins with the date of purchase of a gift card.
For a flight schedule and reservations, the gift card holder must contact Armheli staff.
Armheli, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, insured its liability to compensate for possible damages to third parties, passengers, baggage or cargo in case of transportations carried out outside the Republic of Armenia or on the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
The maximum amount of insurance compensation for one passenger is set at 250,000 Special Drawing Rights (SDR).
The Parties undertake to keep confidential the information that became known to them as a result of the conclusion of this Contract, which contain personal data concerning the Parties, commercial, official or other secret, not to disclose or not make available in any other way to a third party without the prior written consent of the other party.
The first paragraph of this article does not apply to such information, the non-disclosure of which is contrary to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, or which before becoming known to the Party, was already known to third parties.
The Parties undertake not to apply information regarding the activities of the other Party that became known to them as a result of the conclusion of this Contract, for the development of entrepreneurial activity or for profit in any other way.
In case of violation of the obligations of the parties provided for in this article, the violating party is obliged to compensate the other party for all losses incurred as a result or in connection with the disclosure of such information to the other party.
10.Protection of Personal Data
Passenger gives Armheli consent to the processing of his personal data.
Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the Armheli policy within the time frames established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
Passenger agrees that Armheli transfers his personal data to a third party, including a third party located outside the RA, if the transfer of this data is necessary for the flight.
Passenger may contact Armheli to learn about the processing of his personal data, to change or delete them by sending an email to
11.Settlement of Disputes
Disputes arising between the Parties shall be resolved through negotiations.
In case of failure to reach agreement, disputes shall be settled in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
The courts of the RA are competent to consider disputes.
12.Details of Armheli:
“Armenian Helicopters” LLC
Tel.: (+374) 44888333
Bank . Ameriabank CJSC, s/a – 1570057712720100 (AMD), 1570057712720146 (EUR), 1570057712720158 (RUR), 1570057712720101:
Details of transfers in foreign currency
Director Arsen Manukyan