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1. General provisions

1.1. This public offer is an offer addressed to an indefinite circle of individuals, which expresses the intention of the limited liability company "Armenian Helicopters" (registration number 286.110.1005876, TIN 02673123), hereinafter also the "contractor" or "company" to consider a passenger transportation contract concluded with the addressee who accepted (accepted) the offer in accordance with the requirements of this offers (hereinafter also "passenger:

 1.2. The Contractor is a company providing services provided by law in the field of aviation, and has all the necessary permits provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia to carry out this activity:

1.3. This public offer regulates the procedure and conditions for the conclusion by the contractor of the contract of carriage of passengers, the rights and obligations arising from the parties in connection with the consideration of the contract.

1.4. In this public offer, the contractor and the passenger separately may also be referred to as a "party", and together as "parties".

2. Subject of the public offer

2.1. The subject of this public offer is the conclusion of a contract of carriage, under which the contractor undertakes to transport the passenger by helicopter to the designated place, in case of transfer of baggage by the passenger, also deliver the baggage to the designated place, and the passenger undertakes to pay the established fee for the flight (hereinafter referred to as "fare").

2.2. Flights are operated by Robinson R66 and Airbus H125 / AS350B3e helicopters

2.3. For passengers of operated helicopters, the maximum amount of baggage and total weight can be:

2.3.1․ Maximum number of passengers and loading weight of the helicopter: Robinson R66-4 passengers and about 300 kg;

2.3.2․ Maximum number of passengers and loading weight of the helicopter: Airbus H125 / AS350B3e - 5 passengers and about 410 kg;

2.4. The main parking place of the aircraft is "RA, Kotayk, Yerevan-Garni highway 6/12":

2.5. Group fixed flights are operated on days and hours announced in advance by the company, based on bookings made by passengers.

2.6. The passenger's failure to show up on time for a pre-booked flight is the basis for the passenger's exclusion from any other flight, in which case the company is not obliged to refund the fare paid.

2.7. Individual flights to fixed destinations are carried out on pre-established (mutually agreed) routes between the company and the passenger.

2․8․ The contract is considered concluded from the moment of the passenger's full and unconditional acceptance of the offer (acceptance). Acceptance is carried out by the passenger's consistent implementation of the actions specified in Chapter 3 of this public offer.

2․9․ By performing the actions specified in Chapter 3 of this public offer, the passenger certifies that he has fully familiarized himself with the requirements of the safety rules (Appendix 1), which are an integral part of the public offer and the public offer (hereinafter referred to as the safety rules), fully agrees with them and undertakes to fulfill the rights and obligations established by them without any reservations.

2․10․ The passenger's failure to comply with the safety rules is the basis for the passenger's exclusion from the flight, and in this case the company is not obliged to refund the fare paid.

3․ Acceptance procedure

3․1․ In order to conclude a contract of carriage, the passenger, in order to book a flight, submits to the contractor in the form of e-mail, telephone communication or documents the following information about the planned flight։

3․1․1․ start of the flight: month / date and time,

3․1․2․ the place where the flight starts and / or passengers board,

3․1․3․ flight route,

3․1․4․ number of passengers,

3․1․5․ passport data of passengers,

3․1․6․ possible waiting period for the helicopter,

3․1․7․ waiting for a helicopter-a waiting place,

3․1․8 weight and volume of luggage.

3․2․ The Contractor confirms or refuses to book the flight in electronic or documentary form 3.1. within 2 (two) hours after receiving all the data specified in the paragraph. When booking a flight, the contractor simultaneously presents to the passenger the amount of the price of the contract of carriage-the fare calculated in accordance with chapter 4 of the public offer.

3․3․The public offer is considered accepted (accepted), and the contract of carriage is concluded from the moment of payment of the transportation fee in accordance with the procedure established by paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of this public offer.

3.4.According to the terms of this contract, upon acceptance of the commercial offer, the courier's account will be calculated by the Performer, for which a system is provided in the performer's system for calculating courier accounts.

3․5․ In order to confirm the payment for travel and the conclusion of a contract of carriage between the parties, the contractor provides the passenger with a reminder sheet, a sample of which is attached to this public offer as Appendix 2.

3.6.The calculation of the courier's account for domestic shipments is performed by the Performer through their system, while during international shipments, the Performer assists and ensures the calculation of the courier's account through air carriers.

4․ Contract price (transfer)

4․1․ This public offer offers the following group and individual flights of a fixed destination։
















4.2 The price of the contract for flights with routes other than flights in a fixed direction is determined as follows:

4.2.1. The cost of one minute of flight of the Robinson R66 helicopter is set at 12,500. 0 drams, and the cost of one minute of waiting is set at 3,750.0 AMD;

4.2.2. The cost of a minute of flight of an Airbus H125 helicopter is set at 19,000. 0 drams, and the cost of a minute of waiting is set at 5,700. 0 AMD;

4.2.3. The charter per-minute flight calculation starts from the moment the helicopter's skids lift off the ground and ends upon landing. The total flight time calculation should begin from the moment the helicopter's skids lift off the ground (as it is done for helicopter technical flight calculations) and end upon landing at the base station, regardless of the passenger boarding location.

5. Payment procedure

5.1. Payment under the contract can be made in cash (which cannot exceed 300․000 AMD)  or by bank transfer. The moment of payment is the moment when the amount is provided to the actual contractor for cash payment, and in the case of a bank transfer, the moment when the amount is credited to the Contractor's bank account.

5.2. In the case of a flight with the amount set by the passenger, the fare is recalculated at the end of the flight, based on the actual duration of the flight and the waiting time. If the actual cost of the flight is exceeded as a result of recalculation of the amount paid as a fare, the amount paid in excess of the actual cost of the flight is refunded to the passenger, and in case of shortage, a smaller amount is payable to the contractor. Payment/refund of the amount as a result of recalculation is carried out within a maximum of 3 (three) business days after recalculation.

5.3. The passenger has the right to cancel the flight by notifying the contractor 2 (two) days in writing or by e-mail, and in this case the amount paid to the contractor as a fare is non-refundable.

5.4. If notified no earlier than 24 hours before the flight, as well as in cases where the flight becomes impossible due to reasons for which the Passenger(s) are responsible or if they have violated the safety rules established in Appendix 1, the amount charged by the Company is non-refundable.5.5. In case of flight cancellation due to delayed departure of the aircraft, the fare paid by the passenger is fully refunded within 3 (three) business days.

6. Aircraft waiting time

6.1. The waiting period in no case may exceed 240 (two hundred and forty) minutes, except in cases where the parties have determined in advance this period specified in the order, either due to a force majeure situation, or due to the period of time required for the aircraft to reach the main parking lot before sunset.

6.2. The waiting period depends on the time required for the Aircraft to reach its main parking location before sunset and may change regardless of the period specified in clause 6.1.

6.3. Exceeding the deadline specified in clauses 6.1 and 6.2 of this public offer is considered as a material violation of the contract, in which the aircraft can leave the waiting area and the contractor does not bear any responsibility to the passenger.

6.4. In case of exceeding the waiting time of the aircraft for more than 60 (sixty) minutes, the passenger is obliged to provide the entire crew of the aircraft with necessary and sufficient conditions (accommodation, meals, a place of rest, etc.).

6.5. The Contractor does not bear any responsibility for waiting for passengers if the need for waiting is due to a force majeure situation or a real threat to the flight, including adverse technical and weather conditions.

7. Confidentiality

7.1. The Parties undertake to keep confidential information that has become known to them as a result of the conclusion of this Agreement, containing personal data, commercial, official or other secrets concerning the parties, not to disclose or make it available in any other way to a third party without the prior written consent of the other party.

7.2. 7.1. The clause does not apply to such information, the non-disclosure of which is contrary to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia or which, before it became known to the party, was already known to third parties.

7.3. The Parties undertake not to use the information about the activities of the other party that became known to them as a result of the conclusion of this Agreement for carrying out business activities or obtaining other profits.

7.4. In case of violation of the obligations of the parties provided for in this chapter, the violating party is obliged to compensate all losses incurred by the other party as a result of or in connection with the disclosure of such information.

8. Responsibility of the parties

8.1. The Parties undertake to fulfill the obligations assumed under the contract in a proper manner and within the terms and procedure established by the contract.

8.2. Within the framework of contractual relations stipulated by this public offer, the Contractor undertakes to take the necessary measures aimed at ensuring the health and physical safety of the passenger in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the requirements of the company's internal documents, and the passenger, in turn, undertakes to comply with the requirements of the safety regulations, which are an integral part of the public offer.

8.3. The Parties, in accordance with the procedure established by this public offer and the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations.

8.4. Otherwise, the party that violated such a requirement undertakes to compensate for the damage caused to the other party as a result of such behavior, including lost profits.

9. Force majeure

9.1.  For non-fulfillment of obligations under this public offer, in whole or in part, the parties are released from liability if this occurred as a result of force majeure that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement and which the parties could not foresee or prevent., which make it impossible to fulfill obligations under the public offer:

9.2. in 9.1.  the event of the circumstances specified in paragraph 1 of this article, each party must immediately notify the other party in writing.

9.3. upon 9.1.  the occurrence of the circumstances provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article, the term of performance of the obligations of the party is postponed in proportion to the time during which these circumstances and their consequences apply.

9.4. If 9.1. the circumstances listed in paragraph 1 of this Article and their consequences continue to be valid for more than 3 (three) months, the parties will organize additional negotiations to identify alternative options for the execution of this Agreement, and in the absence of such-termination of the agreement.

10. Dispute resolution

10.1. Disputes between the parties are resolved through negotiations.

10.2. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disputes are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

11. Final provisions

11.1. This public offer was approved by the Director of the company Arsen Manukyan, acting on the basis of the charter of the limited liability company "Armenian Helicopters" (passport  AV0421243, issued on 13.09.2022, 001), comes into force from the moment of publication of the public offer and is valid until 31․12․2024.

11.2. Issues not regulated by this public offer are regulated in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

11.3. The Company has the right to make changes to the public offer, ensuring its simultaneous publication. After the publication of the changes made to the public offer, the acceptance of the public offer implies the acceptance of the proposal taking into account these changes.

12. Details of ArmHeli

“Armenian Helicopters” LLC
Address : Yerevan-Garni highway Garni 6/14 Jrvezh Kotayk Region, RA,
Tel.: (+374) 44888333
Bank 1. “Ardshinbank” CJSC, s/a – 2470103773380000, 2470103773380020 (EUR),
2470103773380040 (RUR), 2470103773380030 (USD).
Details of transfers in foreign currency (click on the link of the correspondent bank)
Bank 2. Ameriabank CJSC, s/a – 1570057712720100 (AMD), 1570057712720146
(EUR), 1570057712720158 (RUB), 1570057712720101:
Details of transfers in foreign currency

Director Arsen Manukyan

Robinson R66

AirBus H125

Group Tour                     
Garni - Azat reservoir,             110.000 AMD.                     ___
without landing

Individual Tours

Garni - Azat reservoir-
Garni Gorge,       
                       550.000 AMD.                   850.000 AMD. 
without landing 

Garni - Azat reservoir-
Garni Gorge,                              550.000 AMD.                   850.000 AMD. 
without landing 

Alphabet                                        550.000 AMD.                    850.000 AMD.   
Without landing

    550.000 AMD.                    850.000 AMD.   
Without landing

Khor-Virap tour                            
550.000 AMD.                   850.000 AMD.  

Armas or Armenia wine Tour      600.000 AMD. 
                   950.000 AMD.  
With landing

Vishapaqar-Geghard-                           __
                             950.000 AMD.  
Without landing                         

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